Satellite Kitchen Program
After making the difficult decision to suspend our volunteer programs on March 16th, The Nashville Food Project found itself looking for new ways to prepare and share our made-from-scratch, nutritious meals without the many critical hands of our community volunteers. At the same time, we saw many of our community’s commercial kitchens close or significantly scale back their operations. We knew there had to be a better way to make use of the resources in our city to meet the needs of our community.
We are excited to announce the expansion of our meals program in this emergency time through satellite kitchens! Through this initiative, we are connecting commercial kitchens and their highly skilled staff with The Nashville Food Project partners in need of meal support. The impact of this project is twofold: (1) to provide additional capacity for meals production while our volunteer programs are suspended and (2) to keep willing and able staff of partner kitchens employed.
If you operate a commercial kitchen and are interested in becoming a satellite kitchen, please contact our Interim Chief Programs Officer Christa Bentley. If you are interested in funding this initiative, please consider a gift to our general fund or contact our Director of Development and Marketing Teri Sloan.