Join A Giving Society
Ready to become a sustaining supporter of The Nashville Food Project? This work of community food security takes contributions both big and small to keep moving. And it doesn’t happen unless we’re all in it together.
Seed Starters
Seed Starters is our monthly giving society that recognizes recurring gifts beginning at $5 per month. Just as a seed grows into a plant that will nourish many, committing to a monthly gift is a way to have incredible impact over time.
Kitchen cabinet
The Kitchen Cabinet recognizes generous donors that make a one time or annual cumulative gift of $2,500 and up. Kitchen Cabinet members make it possible for us to continue pursuing visionary work in the local food system.
“Seed Starters allows me to give a little each month, providing the team a steady flow of support that I know over time can help make a big impact on their efforts to help Nashville become a more just and food-secure city.”
With care, just a handful of seeds can become hundreds of meals. And just like those seeds, a simple meal, an hour in the kitchen, a small plot of land or a monthly donation can yield great impact in our community.
Our monthly giving club, Seed Starters, is for anybody who wants to help build a city transformed by vibrant community food security.
There’s nothing like reaching into a fully stocked kitchen cabinet.
Ever thought you’d run out of something only to find extra in the pantry? There are some ingredients — olive oil, for example, or flour — that you just want to keep on hand. For us, those staples are volunteers in our gardens and kitchens, committed partner organizations, and invested supporters who we can count on to continue this essential work.
Kitchen Cabinet honors annual donations of $2,500 or more. We depend on this group of supporters not only financially, but to advise and shape our work as we continue moving it forward.