Learn More: Community Gardens | Community Farm at Mill Ridge
McGruder Community Garden
Nestled in historic North Nashville, McGruder Community Garden is a space where neighbors take collective ownership of the plots to grow vegetables for themselves, friends, and families. These gardeners either live nearby, work near the garden, attend school in the neighborhood, or are actively involved in the surrounding community. The garden's beautiful infrastructure has been in place since 2009, and in 2014 the Food Project began a partnership with McGruder Family Resource Center to increase community participation. Hundreds of community members and volunteer groups have since worked together to support and maintain the garden beds, perennial plants, and the adjacent fruit orchard.
Gardeners work alongside staff and other gardeners to plant, care for and harvest vegetables. Gardeners work in the garden about 6 hours a month and take home a share of the harvest each week, starting in April! Typical vegetables grown include tomatoes, peppers, salad greens, cooking greens and sweet potatoes. Most gardeners take a couple pounds of vegetables per week and have access to flowers and herbs from the garden.