Agency/Group Name
Primary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please provide a description of your group and its mission, and how TNFP food service would support your program.
What type of food support are you seeking? Please select any/all that apply.
Family-Style Hot Meals (3-4 components)
Cold Meals (3-4 components)
Snacks (2 components)
What are the day(s) that you are interested in food support?
Please note that we prioritize meal support for year-round, ongoing programming that recurs at least weekly; or at minimum, six consecutive weeks of meal service for summer-specific or other short-term partnerships. Include any notes on desired start/end dates, if possible.
Preferred Meal Start Time
Preferred Meal End Time
Notes on meal time(s)
Facility Information (please select any/all that apply)
Adequate refrigerator capacity
Adequate dry storage for shelf-stable items
Capacity to reheat food in an oven
Other/comments (note below)
If you are a childcare site, do you have a current fire inspection or a current health inspection for your facility?
Please tell us about your food delivery needs, including all possible time windows.
Note that you will need to have a person available to receive food deliveries or provide TNFP with means to access the facility.
What is your budget, if any, for providing food?
Please confirm your program meets the following eligibility requirements.
Meet in the greater Nashville area
Reach people facing economic, health, cultural or social barriers to accessing nutritious food
Support a regularly scheduled, ongoing gathering or program that helps reduce some of those barriers
Treat everyone with dignity and respect; must not discriminate or require specific actions for people to receive food
Have an average attendance/service of at least 20 people
Prioritize decreasing food waste
Designate a consistent person to facilitate meal service and provide feedback
I have read and understand the community meals partnership eligibility/sliding scale information.