Sunni Brimsy holds a Masters of Science in Social Work from the University of Tennessee and is passionate about helping individuals leverage therapeutic tools to seek healing. Sunni notes that it is an absolute honor and privilege to witness the resiliency and thirst for healing that is the human spirit. Sunni will present a crash course on Distress Tolerance and guide participants in building a toolkit to help manage anxiety in uncertain times. Participants will have the option to screen share or join without video. 45 minutes
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In addition to job losses, we know how the COVID-19 crisis can provide a strain on our mental health. So here at The Nashville Food Project, we've gathered some friends and resources for a support series. Though all are welcome, we launch these virtual events with the restaurant community in mind with the goal of fostering community and supporting those who have long been essential in our work and champions of our mission.
Thank you to our friend Thomas Williams of Cornbread Consulting, for collaborating on this project.