Gardens are pretty magic, especially in the spring. Soil is freshly turned, the air is cool, seeds are planted, and everything seems possible. Then the weeks roll on, and slowly but surely, summer arrives. As your harvest starts to come in, the days are getting hotter, the pests are getting bigger, and the weeds are getting higher.
Sound familiar? You’re not alone! July in Tennessee can be a tough time to stay motivated to get outside and face what seems like an endless wave of weeds, bugs, and humidity. But season after season, you may find yourself being drawn back in.
How do you stay motivated to keep gardening? We asked our staff to share their tips and advice on staying inspired and active in their own gardens.
Do a Little Every Day
2. Don’t Just Work, Enjoy!
3. It’s Better Together
4. Remember why You Work
Why do you garden? What keeps you motivated? Let us know in the comments!
If you don’t have a garden of your own and feel inspired to dig your hands into the dirt, we welcome you to volunteer with us! Click here to learn more about volunteering in our garden as either an individual or a group.