What many don’t realize is that our gardens not only produce food for our meals - they are also spaces where several communities are coming together in a common desire to grow good food and get to know one another better.
A February Snapshot of Our Gardens
Growing Together: The Refugee Ag Program
Planting Seeds of Change
Garden Spotlight: McGruder Community Garden
A Day in a Dozen: From Harvest To Plate
Teamwork Helps a Garden Grow
On any given day, the groups coming together in the gardens are often as varied as the crops harvested. A recent week at the Wedgewood Urban Garden welcomed Friends Life, a nonprofit serving the needs of adults with intellectual and development disabilities…
World Refugee Day Celebrate with Art and a Potluck
TNFP Welcomes Kia Brown as Garden Coordinator
Local Vegetables
Kale, zucchini, cucumber and lettuce growing within a few feet of our kitchen. It couldn't get much fresher than this.
A Simple Pleasure
These beauties are growing in our Wedgewood Urban Garden and just beg for sampling. Let's count the ways that black raspberries are delicious: sprinkled on salads, eaten by the handful, mixed into sauces, added to yougart... what's your favorite raspberry delight?
Growing, growing, growing...
The Bhutanese gardeners at our Wedgewood Urban Garden are working hard planting, harvesting and setting up trellises for tomatoes and peppers. Come see for yourself how good these gardens are looking.
Hide and Seek
You're Invited!
ITOP students take a break to play and be carefree on their last workday of the semester at the Wedgewood garden.
We are partnering with the Frist Center and the Oasis Center’s International Teen Outreach Program (ITOP) to create a unique art installation in celebration of the United Nations' World Refugee Day. Join us at our Wedgewood Urban Garden from noon until 2pm on Saturday, June 20th, when teaching artist Daniel Furbish and the teens will unveil their artwork. The Wedgewood garden is located at 613 Wedgewood Avenue. Additional street parking is available along Benton Avenue. Hope to see you there!
Dinner Made Easy
This fabulous mother-daughter duo visited their plot at the McGruder Community Garden and left with harvest bags stuffed with sugar snap peas and all kinds of cooking greens--mustards, turnips and collards oh my!
Goodlettsville Middle School
We want to extend our sincerest appreciation for the students at Goodlettsville Middle School who designed and implemented a concessions business to raise money for local causes. We are the humbled and grateful recipient of a generous donation from these young social entrepreneurs. They not only came to present their donation, but happily jumped into several garden projects - on the coldest day of spring! Huge thanks to these students! You are an inspiration!
Getting their Adventure On!
Team Green volunteers rocked a recent Saturday morning volunteer session at our Wedgewood Urban Garden. These folks know how to work hard and have fun doing it. We can't wait til they come back.
Simply Beautiful
Our spring crops are thriving as we await the much anticipated summer fruits. Pictured here starting from the bottom is a bed of buckwheat, two beds of leaf lettuce, a bed of chard, snow peas (yum!), and finally the tall grass in the background is winter rye. Want to help harvest or pull a few weeds? Drop by anytime.
Salad Train
This year's lettuce harvest has allowed us to include beautiful salads on over 2,000 meals thus far. This photo is one of the beautiful salads we've made that included TNFP lettuce, strawberries from Nashville Grown and hard boiled eggs from Foggy Hollow. Thanks to all the hundreds of volunteers that planted, tended, harvested, washed, chopped and made these tasty dishes to help us nourish our community.